Our images mainly contain the artist, grass and a pinecone on the back cover. These images convey that our artist is not materialistic and is more associated with nature.
The pink colour scheme is dominant in our digipack images as this conveys the general pop princess style. Pink is generally seen as a feminine colour and is used by many Female pop artists in the industry today. This is what we have tried to replicate.
We have not made any use of sightlines in our image as our artist is turned away from the camera, this conveys a sense of mystery and perhaps states that she is shy and innocent.
The dress code is not over the top , we went for a more casual look in order to relate to a normal teenage girl audience.
The front cover image is positioned with the artist at the side, however she still stands out on the cover as we are immediately drawn to her.
The back cover is a close up of a pinecone in front of a tree, it is right in the centre.
The audience will immediately be drawn to the artist who is coloured in pink and stands out from the rest of the image. They will also be drawn to the fact she is looking away from the camera.
We have deliberately framed the front image to include the grass and the upper part of her body. We wanted to include the grass as it is a central theme to the whole digipack.
We have positioned the logos on the back cover as that it is a general convention of music albums. We included our group logo to show that which label the artist is associated with. We have also added a link for Lexia's website and Twitter page. This allows fans to find out more and get updates on the artist.
We have cropped the artist's legs out of the image.
We have added a pink colour effect to the images to show clearly which genre this album is and to attract the female audience who see pink as being associated with Pop Princesses.
The lighting on the back cover emphasises the tree and pinecone but also gives it a "heavenly" look with the white light. This relates to the album name.
The artist's name is Lexia Parker. We chose this name as we felt that it was an unique name for a Pop Princess. Most pop artist's names are unique like "Britney" and "Selena". This is what we have tried to replicate to stick with the genre.
The songs are typical track names that are associated with the Pop Princess genre. The album name is Heaven and track 3 is Bella Heaven which is normal for albums to be of a similar name to a song. For example Miley Cyrus' album "Breakout" and the first song is called "Breakout".
The songs convey a typical Pop Princess theme with tracks like "Too Young", "Dreams" and "Another Day". These songs contain a story within them which is generally what Pop Princesses sing about.
We chose the font "Airplanes in the night sky" as we felt it was suitable for the artist image with the swirly writing. The size of the text varies with the artist's name a larger size to emphasises who the artist is as she is the main focus.
Overall image
The back and inlays relate as there is a pink grass naturalistic theme that is central to the whole album.
The themes and subjects of nature , fairytale and heaven are explored in the images and text. The pictures of the grass, trees and pinecone show the nature side. The pink fill and the swirly text bring out the fairytale side whilst the white light and gold font show a sense of heaven and religion.
We have stuck to the conventions of the swirly handwriting and pink theme. However we have challenged many of the Pop Princess conventions like not having the artist face the cover and her sightline looking right at the audience. We have also challenged a materialistic theme and gone for a more innocent nature theme but have also stuck to a fairyland , out of this world theme.
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